
NETGEAR ProSafe SSL VPN Concentrator 25 SSL312 Reference Manual
Configuring the Remote Access Web Portal 5-5
v2.0, May 2007
d. Check the Enable HTTP meta tags for cache control checkbox to apply HTTP meta tag
cache control directives to this Portal Layout. Cache control directives include:
<meta http-equiv=”pragma” content=”no-cache”>
<meta http-equiv=”cache-control” content=”no-cache”>
<meta http-equiv=”cache-control” content=”must-
These directives help prevent clients browsers from caching SSL VPN portal pages and
other web content.
e. Check the ActiveX web cache cleaner checkbox to load an ActiveX cache control when
users log in to the SSL VPN portal.
The web cache cleaner will prompt the user to delete all temporary Internet files, cookies
and browser history when the user logs out or closes the web browser window. The
ActiveX web cache control will be ignored by web browsers that don't support ActiveX.
3. In the SSL VPN Portal Pages to Display section, select the portal pages you wish users to
access. Any pages that are not selected will not be visible from the portal navigation menu.
4. In the Utilities Page–Available Services section, select the services that users should be able
to access. Only the corresponding service icons will be visible on the Services page.
5. In the Remote Access PageAvailable Remote Desktop Clients section, select the desktop
clients that users should be able to access. Only the corresponding service icons will be visible
on the My Desktop page.
Note: NETGEAR strongly recommends enabling HTTP meta tags for security
reasons and to prevent out-of-date web pages, themes and data being
stored in a user’s web browser cache.
Note: If you hide portal pages or applications, you should also create SSL VPN
access policies that deny access to the corresponding applications. The portal
layout only affects the look and feel of the portal, but it does not prevent users
from accessing hidden sites.