NETGEAR ProSafe SSL VPN Concentrator 25 SSL312 Reference Manual
Configuring the SSL VPN Tunnel Client and Port Forwarding 6-5
v2.0, May 2007
If the assigned client IP address range is in a different subnet than the corporate network or if the
corporate network has multiple subnets, you must define Client Routes.
To add an SSL VPN Tunnel client route:
1. Select the VPN Tunnel menu on the left navigation pane.
2. In the Destination Network field under Add Routes for VPN Tunnel Clients section, enter the
network address of a local area network or subnet. For example, enter
3. Enter the subnet mask of the local area network Subnet Mask field.
4. Click Add Route. The client route appears in the Configured Client Routes table, as shown in
the figure below.
5. Restart the SSL VPN Concentrator software if VPN Tunnel Clients are currently connected to
the SSL VPN Concentrator. Restarting forces clients to reconnect and receive new addresses
and routes.
Now users are able to connect to the SSL VPN Concentrator and receive a virtual IP address
from the client address range.
Note: You must also add a static route on your corporate firewall or router that directs
local traffic destined for the VPN Tunnel Client address range to the SSL VPN