NETGEAR ProSafe SSL VPN Concentrator 25 SSL312 Reference Manual
5-2 Configuring the Remote Access Web Portal
v2.0, May 2007
To view the Portal Layout screen:
Click Portal Layouts under the SSL VPN Portal menu on the left navigation pane. A window
similar to the following will display.
Portal Options
The SSL VPN Concentrator portal can present the remote user with all of the features listed in the
table below, or a subset, depending on the configuration by the administrator.
Note: The default portal address is https://<IP_Address>. If the default portal is changed
from the default (SSL-VPN), you can use the URL address
https://<IP_Address>/portal/SSL-VPN to access the administration domain
geardomain. The administration domain, geardomain, is attached to the SSL-
VPN portal layer.
Figure 5-1
Table 5-1. Portal Option Features for Remote Users
Feature Description
VPN Tunnel An ActiveX-based SSL VPN client for Windows that provides full network connectivity. A
client program is downloaded to the remote PC from the SSL312.
Applications Network-enabled applications running on a Windows Server on the corporate network.
Remote Access Two common remote desktop clients are implemented on the SSL VPN Concentrator.
• RDP allows connection to a Windows Server desktop.
• VNC allows connection to the desktop of various platforms.
Network Places Network Neighborhood display of the corporate network.
Port Forwarding A thin web-based client that provides a secure tunnel for specified TCP ports. A client
program is downloaded to the remote PC from the SSL312.
Utilities Telnet, SSH, and FTP clients are implemented on the SSL VPN Concentrator.