NETGEAR ProSafe SSL VPN Concentrator 25 SSL312 Reference Manual
Setting Up User and Group Access Policies 4-11
v2.0, May 2007
• If your policy applies to a specific host, enter the IP address of the local host machine in
the IP Address field.
• If your policy applies to a network, enter the network address and subnet bit mask (0-32)
in the Network and Subnet Mask fields.
5. In the Service pull-down menu, select the service type. If you are applying a policy to a
network resource, the service type is defined in the Defined Resource field. .
6. From the Status pull-down menu, select PERMIT or DENY to either permit or deny SSL VPN
connections for the specified service and host machine.
7. Click Apply to update the configuration. Once the configuration has been updated, the new
group policy appears in the table in the Edit Group Settings menu.
The group policies in the Group Policies table are ranked by the order of priority, from the
highest priority policy to the lowest priority policy.
Defining and Editing Group Bookmarks
SSL VPN Concentrator bookmarks provide a convenient way for SSL VPN users to access
computers on the local area network that they will connect to frequently. Group bookmarks will
apply to all members of the specific group. When group bookmarks are defined, all group
members will see the defined bookmarks from the SSL VPN portal. Individual users will not be
able to delete or modify group bookmarks.
To define group bookmarks:
1. In the Group Bookmarks section of the Group Settings menu, click Add Bookmark. An Add
Bookmark menu displays.
When group bookmarks are defined, all group members will see the defined bookmarks from
the SSL VPN Portal. Individual group members will not be able to delete or modify group
Note: Network Resources are configured in Network Resources under the Access
Administration menu on the left navigation pane.