
NETGEAR ProSafe SSL VPN Concentrator 25 SSL312 Reference Manual
4-8 Setting Up User and Group Access Policies
v2.0, May 2007
2. In the Group Name field., enter a descriptive name for the group.
3. In the Domain menu, select the appropriate domain. The domain will determine the
authentication method for the group.
4. Click Apply to update the configuration. Once the group has been added, the new group
appears in the Groups table on the User and Groups menu.
All of the configured groups are displayed in the table in the Users and Groups menu. The
Groups are listed in alphabetical order.
Editing Group Settings
To edit group settings:
1. In the Groups table, click the name of the group. The Edit Group Settings menu displays. The
general group information, including the Group Name, Domain Name, and Inactivity Timeout
are displayed. The Group Name and Domain Name are not configurable.
2. In the Inactivity Timeout field, enter the number of minutes of inactivity to allow for users in
the group.
3. Click Apply to save the configuration changes.
Figure 4-6