554 | Chapter 33. iSCSI
ProSafe M4100 and M7100 Managed Switches
Set the iSCSI Target Port
When working with iSCSI that does not use the standard IANA assigned iSCSI ports
(3260/860), it is recommended that you specify the target IP address. Then the switch will
only snoop frames where the TCP destination port is one of the configured TCP ports and the
destination IP is the target IP address. This will improve the performance of the switch by
preventing the CPU from processing non-iSCSI flows.
The example is shown as CLI commands and as Web interface procedure.
CLI: Set iSCSI Target Port
Use the following commands to set iSCSI target port to 49154 at IP address
(Netgear Switch) #config
(Netgear Switch) (Config) #iscsi target port 49154 address
(Netgear Switch) (Config) #exit
Web Interface: Set iSCSI Target Port
1. Set iSCI Target Port.
a. a.Select Switching > iSCSI > Advanced > iSCSI T
A screen similar to the following displays:
b. Enter the following information:
• In the TCP Port, enter 49154.
• In the IP Address, enter
c. Click Add.