170 | Chapter 10. ACLs
ProSafe M4100 and M7100 Managed Switches
CLI: Set up a MAC ACL with Two Rules
1. Create a new MAC ACL acl_bpdu.
(Netgear Switch) #
(Netgear Switch) #config
(Netgear Switch) (Config)#mac access-list extended acl_bpdu
2. Deny all the traffic that has destination MAC 01:80:c2:xx:xx:xx.
(Netgear Switch) (Config-mac-access-list)#deny any 01:80:c2:00:00:00 00:00:00:ff:ff:ff
3. Permit all the other traffic.
(Netgear Switch) (Config-mac-access-list)#permit any
(Netgear Switch) (Config-mac-access-list)#exit
4. Apply the MAC ACL acl_bpdu to port 1/0/2.
(Netgear Switch) (Config)#interface 1/0/2
(Netgear Switch) (Interface 1/0/2)#mac access-group acl_bpdu in
Web Interface: Set up a MAC ACL with Two Rules
1. Create MAC ACL 101 on the switch.
a. Select Security >
A screen similar to the following displays.
b. In the Name field, enter acl_bpdu.
c. Click Add to create
ACL acl_bpdu.
2. Create a new rule associated with the
ACL acl_bpdu.
a. Select Security >
ACL > MAC ACL > MAC Rules.