Chapter 17. Tools | 329
ProSafe M4100 and M7100 Managed Switches
Pre-Login Banner
Pre-login banner:
• Allows you to create message screens that display when a user logs in to the CLI.
• By default, no banner file exists.
• Y
ou can upload or download.
• File size cannot be larger than 2 K.
The Pre-Login Banner feature is only for the CLI interface.
Create a Pre-Login Banner (CLI Only)
1. On your PC, using Notepad create a banner.txt file that contains the banner to be
Login Banner - Unauthorized access is punishable by law.
2. Transfer the file from the PC to the switch using TFTP.
(Netgear Switch Routing) #copy tftp:// nvram:clibanner
Mode........................................... TFTP
Set TFTP Server IP.............................
TFTP Path...................................... ./
TFTP Filename.................................. banner.txt
Data Type...................................... Cli Banner
Are you sure you want to start? (y/n) y
CLI Banner file transfer operation completed successfully!
(Netgear Switch Routing)#exit
(Netgear Switch Routing) >logout
Login Banner - Unauthorized access is punishable by law.
Note: The no clibanner command removes the banner from the