288 | Chapter 15. Security Management
ProSafe M4100 and M7100 Managed Switches
4. Enable the guest VLAN on ports 1/0/1 and 1/0/24.
(Netgear Switch) #show dot1x detail 1/0/1
Protocol Version............................... 1
PAE Capabilities............................... Authenticator
Control Mode................................... auto
Authenticator PAE State........................ Authenticated
Backend Authentication State................... Idle
Quiet Period (secs)............................ 60
Transmit Period (secs)......................... 30
Guest VLAN ID.................................. 2000
Guest VLAN Period (secs)....................... 90
Supplicant Timeout (secs)...................... 30
Server Timeout (secs).......................... 30
Maximum Requests............................... 2
VLAN Id........................................ 2000
VLAN Assigned Reason........................... Guest
Reauthentication Period (secs)................. 3600
Reauthentication Enabled....................... FALSE
Key Transmission Enabled....................... FALSE
Control Direction.............................. both
Maximum Users.................................. 16
Unauthenticated VLAN ID........................ 0
Session Timeout................................ 0
Session Termination Action..................... Default
Web Interface: Create a Guest VLAN
1. Create VLAN 2000.
a. Select Switching > VLAN > Basic > VLAN Configuration.
A screen similar to the following displays.
b. In the VLAN ID field, enter 2000.