326 | Chapter 17. Tools
ProSafe M4100 and M7100 Managed Switches
A screen similar to the following displays.
Use this screen to tell the switch to discover the routes that packets actually take when
traveling to their destination through the network on a hop-by-hop basis. Once you click
the Apply button, the switch will send three traceroute packets each hop, and the results
will be displayed in the result table.
2. In the IP Address field, enter 216.109.1
3. Click Apply.
Configuration Scripting
This section provides the following examples:
• script on page 327
• script list and script delete on page 327
• script apply running-config.scr on page 328
• Create a Configuration Script on page 328
• Upload a Configuration Script on page 328
Configuration scripting:
• Allows you to generate text-formatted files.
• Provides scripts that can be uploaded and downloaded to the system.
• Provides flexibility to create command configuration scripts.
• Can be applied to several switches.
• Can save up to 10 scripts or 500 K of memory
• Provides script format of one CLI command per line.
Here are some considerations:
• The total number of scripts stored is limited by the NVRAM/FLASH size.