Chapter 27. IPv6 Interface Configuration | 433
ProSafe M4100 and M7100 Managed Switches
3. Show the ipv6 address assigned from 1/0/23.
(Netgear Switch) #show ipv6 interface 1/0/23
IPv6 is enabled
IPv6 Prefix is ................................ FE80::E291:F5FF:FE06:2BF6/128
2000::1D5C:7CFE:828F:8144/128 [DHCP]
Routing Mode................................... Enabled
IPv6 Enable Mode............................... Enabled
Administrative Mode............................ Enabled
IPv6 Operational Mode.......................... Enabled
Bandwidth...................................... 1000000 kbps
Interface Maximum Transmit Unit................ 1500
Router Duplicate Address Detection Transmits... 1
Address DHCP Mode.............................. Enabled
Router Advertisement NS Interval............... 0
Router Advertisement Lifetime.................. 1800
Router Advertisement Reachable Time............ 0
Router Advertisement Interval.................. 600
Router Advertisement Managed Config Flag....... Disabled
Router Advertisement Other Config Flag......... Disabled
Router Advertisement Router Preference......... medium
Router Advertisement Suppress Flag............. Disabled
IPv6 Destination Unreachables.................. Enabled
Web Interface: Configure DHCPv6 mode on routing interface
1. Enable IPv6 unicast globally.
a. Select Routing > IPv6 > Basic > Global Configuration.
A screen similar to the following displays.
b. For IPv6 Unicast Routing, select the Enable radio button.
c. Click Apply to apply the setting.
2. Enable DHCPv6 on the interface 1/0/23.
a. Select Routing > IPv6 >
Advanced > Interface Configuration.