Chapter 23. DHCPv6 Server | 387
23. DHCPv6 Server
This chapter provides the following examples:
• CLI: Configure DHCPv6 on page 389
• Web Interface: Configure an Inter-area Router on page 390
• Configure Stateless DHCPv6 Server on page 394
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6) is used to assign IPv6 addresses
statefully and distribute other configuration information such as domain name or DNS server.
Although DHCPv6 supports stateful address allocation, prefix delegation and stateless
services, only prefix delegation mode and stateless service are supported on managed
switches. This chapter shows how to configure prefix delegation mode using DHCPv6 pool.
When create a DHCPv6 pool, user needs to assign a prefix to client DUID.
DUID is used to identify the client's unique duid value. The format is xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx.
RFC3315 defines three types:
a. Link-layer address plus time:
• 00:01:hardware type:time:link-layer address
• Hardware type - 16 bit hardware type reserved by IANA. 1 means an Ethernet
• Time: 32-bit unsigned integer. The time in seconds when this DUID was
generated since 00:00:00 1/1/2000.
• Link-layer address - The link layer address of a device generating the DUID.
b. Vendor-assigned unique ID based on Enterprise Number:
• 00:02:enterprise-number:identifier
• Enterprise-number - 32-bit integer reserved by IANA.
• Identifier - Variable length data for each vendor
c. Link-layer address:
• 00:03:hardware type:link-layer address
• Hardware type - 16 bit hardware type reserved by IANA. 1 means an Ethernet
• Link-layer address - The link layer address of a device generating the DUID.