362 | Chapter 19. Switch Stacks
ProSafe M4100 and M7100 Managed Switches
4. Install the new switches in the rack. This procedure assumes installation below the
bottom-most switch, or above the top-most switch.
5. Disconnect the redundant stack cable that connects the last switch in the stack back up to
the first switch in the stack at the position in the ring where the new switch is to be inserted.
Note: If you want to merge an operational stack into the this stack, add the
switches as a group by unplugging one stacking cable in the
operational stack and physically connecting all unpowered units at
that point.
6. Connect this cable to the new switch, following the established order of stack-up to
stack-down connections.
7. Power up the new switches one by one. Verify, by monitoring the master switch console
port, that the new switch joins the stack by issuing the show switch command. The new
switch should join as a member (never as master; the existing master of the stack should
not change).
8. If the firmware version of the newly added member is not the same as the existing stack,
update the firmware as described in
Upgrade the Firmware on page 354.
Remove a Switch from the Stack
1. Make sure the redundant stack connection is in place and functional. All stack members
should be connected in a logical ring.
2. Power down the switch to be removed.
Note: Removing powered-on stack members can cause the switch stack
to divide (partition) into two or more switch stacks, each with the
same configuration. However, if cabled correctly, the switch stack
should not divide.
3. Disconnect the stack cables.
4. If the switch is not to be replaced, reconnect the stack cable from the stack member above
to the stack member below the switch being removed.
5. Remove the switch from the rack.
6. If you want to remove the switch from the stack configuration, issue the command:
no member <unit-id>.
If the switch stack divides, and you want the switch stacks to remain separate, change the IP
address or addresses of the newly created switch stacks.
If you did not intend to partition the switch stack: