368 | Chapter 19. Switch Stacks
ProSafe M4100 and M7100 Managed Switches
Move the Stack Master to a Different Unit
This example is provided as CLI commands and a Web interface procedure.
CLI: Move the Stack Master to a Different Unit
1. Using the movemanagement command, move the master to a different unit number. The
operation takes between 30 seconds and 3 minutes depending on the stack size and
configuration. The command is movemanagement <fromunit-id> <tounit-id>.
2. Make sure that you can log in on the console attached to the new master
. Use the show
switch command to verify that all units rejoined the stack.
3. NETGEAR recommends that you rest the stack with the reload command after moving the
Web Interface: Move the Stack Master to a Different Unit
1. Select System > Management > Basic > Stack Configuration.
A screen similar to the following displays.
2. In the Management Unit Selected list, select 2.
A warning window displays.
3. Click the OK button.
4. Click Apply.
Note: If you move a master to a different unit, you might lose the
connection to the switch because the IP address could change if the
switch gets its IP address using DHCP.