Chapter 33. iSCSI | 551
33. iSCSI
This chapter includes the following sections:
• Enable iSCSI Awareness with VLAN Priority Tag on page 552
• Enable iSCSI Awareness with DSCP on page 553
• Set the iSCSI Target Port on page 554
• Show iSCSI Sessions on page 555
The iSCSI feature is used in networks containing iSCSI initiators and targets where the
administrator desires to protect the iSCSI traf
fic from interruption by giving the traffic
preferential QoS treatment. The dynamically generated classifier rules are used to direct the
iSCSI data traffic to queues that can be given the desired preference characteristics over
other data transiting the switch. This can avoid session interruptions during times of
congestion that would otherwise cause iSCSI packets to be dropped.
The administrator can select VPT (VLAN Priority Tag) or DSCP mapping for the QoS
preferential treatment.
iSCSI flows are assigned by default to the highest VPT/DSCP queue
not used for stack management or voice VLAN. The administrator should also take care of
configuring the relevant Class of Service parameters for the queue chosen in order to
complete the setting.
Figure 51 shows an example of iSCSI implementation.
Figure 51. Sample iSCSI implementation