Shielded twisted-pair.
Token ring
A network that employs a ring topology and uses a
token-passing method for ring access.
Terminate and stay resident. A program that upon execution,
loads itself (or an executable portion of itself) into computer
working memory (RAM). It can be activated at any time with
a speciļ¬ed key sequence.
Type I card
In the PC Card environment, a 3.3 mm thick card that is
typically used for memory cards.
Type I slot
In the PC Card environment, a slot that accepts a Type I card.
Type II card
In the PC Card environment, a 5.0 mm thick card that is
typically used for modem/fax cards and network adapters.
Type II slot
In the PC Card environment, a slot that accepts a Type I or
Type II card.
Type III card
In the PC Card environment, a 10.5 mm thick card that is
typically used for hard disk drives.
Type III slot
In the PC Card environment, a slot that accepts a Type I, II, or
III card.
Wiring similar to that found in the telephone system,
consisting of two insulated wires loosely twisted around each
other to help cancel out induced noise in balanced circuits.
Unshielded twisted-pair.