6 Install the adapter in another functioning computer and
run the tests again.
If the adapter passes, your computer may be defective.
Contact the reseller or the manufacturer of the computer.
7 If you experience problems that occur only when running
under Microsoft Windows, consult the readme files that
are provided in Windows.
8 If you experience problems that occur only when using the
AutoLink program, display or print the AutoLink.Log file.
This file contains a log of the events that occurred during the
AutoLink installation, including errors if any occurred. To
display the log, type:
Type AutoLink.Log | More
To print the file, press [Alt]+[F]+[P] or type:
print autolink.log
9 If you need to unload the drivers to run the Configuration
and Diagnostic Program, exit the Configuration and
Diagnostic Program if necessary, and reboot the
computer using a DOS diskette.
For additional technical support information, see Appendix C.