The unit of information transmitted over the network,
consisting of a preamble, a destination address, a source
address, the data being transmitted, and a code that allows
testing for correct transmission.
PC Card
The new name (effective 1994) for the standard developed
by the Personal Computer Memory Card International
Personal Computer Memory Card International Association.
An ASCII file containing control information for network
protocol elements of NDIS network stations and servers.
Release 1.0
In the PC Card environment, the Memory Card Standard
Release 1.0, September 1990.
Release 2.0
In the PC Card environment, the release in which I/O capability
and software support were added in September 1991.
Release 2.1
In the PC Card environment, the release containing
typographical corrections to Release 2.0. There were no
technical enhancements.
Type of connector that connects the adapter to UTP wiring.
In the PC Card environment, the hardware in the host
computer where the PC card is placed. The socket maps the
host’s internal bus signals to the PC Card interface signals.
Socket Services
The software layer that provides a standardized interface to
manipulate PC cards, sockets, etc. It is directly above the