Avoiding Memory Manager Conflicts 3-3
Avoiding Memory Manager Conflicts
If you are using a memory manager on your computer (all
computers running Windows have a memory manager such
as EMM386 or its equivalent), you need to inform the
memory manager of the memory used by the 3C689
adapter. The 3C689 adapter requires the following memory:
■ CIS memory 4 K
■ MMIO memory 8 K
■ Shared RAM page size 16 K
If you have Card Services installed in your computer, use the
procedure described in Appendix A instead.
To make this process easier, the following example combines
these memory requirements into one memory range. Follow
these steps to exclude the memory range used by the
3C689 adapter:
1 Make a backup copy of the CONFIG.SYS file. Type:
2 Use a text editor to edit the CONFIG.SYS file on your
3 Exclude the memory range that the 3C689 adapter is
using. For example, type this line into the device section
of the new CONFIG.SYS file:
device=c:\windows\emm386.exe x=CC000-D3FFF noems
where x stands for exclude, followed by the memory range
that the adapter is using.
Refer to the manual that accompanied the memory manager
software for additional instructions and information.
4 Save the CONFIG.SYS file and exit the text editor.
5 Reboot the computer.