Sit on the seat with your back towards the front
frame and grasp hold of the bar. Straighten your
arms and pull the bar over your head.
Stand next to the device with a foot between the
rails. Pull the bar with the arm bent. Repeat the
same with the other arm.
Stand in front of the device and grasp over the
bar. Pull the bar upward lifting your shoulders and
bending your arms. Straighten your back at the
same time.
IMPORTANT! Always make sure that the pull wire is
not kinked.
NOTE! Make sure the wire hook does
not fray the wire!
1. SET
Selection of the goal values. The same button is
also on the remote control of the pull bar.
Zeroing the exercising values, ending the exercise
and return into main display
3. “+ / -“
Setting the goal values. The same buttons are also
on the remote control of the pull bar.
Measuring the recovery heart rate
Starting and interrupting the exercise
In order to work, the pull-bar buttons require
that the device be connected to the line current.
The buttons in question only transmit individual
keystrokes to the meter; the meter does not
recognize longer keystrokes.
If the pull-bar buttons do not work, first check
that the device is connected to the line current.
After this, reset the remote-control function by
pressing all three pull-bar buttons simultaneously
for five seconds. Then, test the operation of the
pull-bar buttons.
Note that there is a battery inside the pull bar. If
the pull-bar buttons do not operate, replace the
battery, and make sure that you place it in the right
direction. Note, however, that in home use, the
battery will last several years.
IMPORTANT! When you finish exercising, return the
pull bar to its holder. Never release your grip on
the pull bar in the middle of a rowing motion!
1. Strokes (pull speed/min)
The number of pulls/min;there is also a bar below
the readout display which indicates pull speed.
2. Exercise duration
00:00-99:59; measuring at 1 second intervals,
h1:40-h9:59 measuring at 1 minute intervals.
3. Heart rate during exercise
The symbol of a heart blinks simultaneously with
your own heart rate during the exercise. The arrow
signs show if the heart rate exceeds or surpasses the
set values.
4. Exercise trip length (km/mile)
00.0 – 99.99 km / miles
5. Speed (timer for a 500m distance, kmh/mph)
R60.indd 6R60.indd 6 2.3.2006 17:22:082.3.2006 17:22:08