ES Treadmills Owner’s Guide
5. If your calorie goal exceeds the ability of the treadmill to attain,
you will be re-prompted to either reduce your calorie goal or
increase your maximum speed.
6. When your calorie goal is within the abilities of the treadmill,
press Start.
7. ere is a 3-minute warmup at either 2 mph or your maximum
speed, whichever is less.
8. After the warmup, the treadmill will immediately speed up
and change incline to reach the exercise intensity required to
attain your calorie goal. For your comfort and safety, the treadmill
attempts to keep you at a walking speed of 3 mph or less, using
incline to reach the necessary exercise intensity.
9. ere is a 3-minute cooldown at the end of your workout time.
Because of some time lag in changes in incline and speed, the end
calorie count may not be exactly as you specified, but it should be
within 1%.
Calorie Goal
C F: C W
Calorie Goal