Understanding the Display and Readout Information
The following describes the display functions and specifi cations on the Pro
Series elliptical trainer.
Time — The workout time is displayed in the center of the upper display window.
In Quick Start Mode, the timer will count up from 0:00. When using one of the
preprogrammed workouts, the time will count down to 0:00 from the desired
workout time you have entered.
Speed — Your speed is displayed in miles per hour (or kilometers per hour if your
console is set in metric units) in the right side of the display window. This speed
will be similar to the running speeds of a treadmill. For example, if you typically
run on a treadmill at 5 mph (8.05 kmh), then 5 mph (8.05 kmh) on your elliptical
will be approximately the equivalent workout rate. This is an approximation and
does not take resistance level into consideration.
Heart Rate — Current heart rate is displayed in beats per minute.
Percentage of Maximum Heart Rate (Model EV7.18 Only) — An approximation
of maximum heart rate is calculated by subtracting the user’s age from 220.
Percentage of maximum heart rate will only be displayed during Heart Rate
Control Programs or when a program has been selected through the My
Nautilus™ Menu, since these are the only times the user’s age is known.
An Example of Calculating Maximum Heart Rate:
(See the Heart Training Programs for more information.)
Distance — Provides a cumulative total of the equivalent distance, in miles (or
kilometers if your console is set to metric units), you have traveled.
Calories — This readout is your cumulative calories burned for the current
workout. Note, this is only an approximation. Your actual calories burned varies
based on your age, weight, gender and metabolism.
Calories/Hour — Provides the rate at which calories are burned per hour based
on the current intensity level, stride rate, and user weight.
User is
40 years
of age
220 – 40 = 180
(180 beats per minute would be the
approximate maximum heart rate for a
40 year old user)
180 x 75% = 135
(135 Beats per minute would be
the heart rate of a 40 year old user
exercising at 75% of their max.)