The Fat Burner Program
The Fat Burner Program is a 60-interval workout
designed with moderate changes in intensity level
designed to stimulate fat store assimilation for users
on a weight control program. The profi le in the center
display indicates relative intensity. Any changes to
the intensity level will not change the look of the
remaining profi le; however, the new intensity level
will continue throughout the rest of the workout.
To use the Fat Burner Program:
1. Press the PROGRAM Key to enter program
selection menu. Use the UP LEVEL Key to advance
to the FAT BURNER Program.
2. Press the ENTER Key to confi rm selection.
3. Enter your weight using the UP/DOWN LEVEL
Keys and press ENTER to confi rm.
• Your weight is used to calculate the number
of calories burned during each minute of
exercise and the total number of calories
burned during the exercise session.
4. Enter the desired intensity level using the UP/
DOWN Keys and press ENTER to confi rm value.
5. Enter the desired workout time and press the
ENTER Key to confi rm and begin workout.
The intensity level may be changed at any time during
the workout by pressing the UP and DOWN LEVEL
Keys as desired. Any changes to the intensity level
will be displayed in the current fl ashing column. The
new intensity level will continue throughout the rest
of the workout until changed using the Level keys.
The Calorie Burner Program
The Calorie Burner Program is a 60-interval workout
designed for users wanting to increase their aerobic
capacity. The changes of the intensity in the program
is greater than the changes in the Fat Burner
Program, and designed specifi cally to condition the
cardiovascular system. The profi le in the center
display indicates relative intensity. Any changes to
the intensity level will not change the look of the
remaining profi le; however, the new intensity level
will continue throughout the rest of the workout.
To use the Calorie Burner Program:
1. Press the PROGRAM Key to enter the program
selection menu. Use the UP LEVEL Key to advance
to the CALORIE BURNER Program.
2. Press the ENTER Key to confi rm selection.
3. Enter your weight using the UP/DOWN LEVEL Keys
and press ENTER to confi rm.
• Your weight is used to calculate the number
of calories burned during each minute of
exercise and the total number of calories
burned during the exercise session.
4. Enter the desired intensity level using the
UP/DOWN LEVEL Keys and press ENTER to
confi rm value.
5. Enter the desired workout time using the UP/
DOWN LEVEL Keys and press the ENTER Key to
confi rm and begin workout.
The intensity level may be changed at any time during
the workout by pressing the UP and DOWN LEVEL
Keys as desired. Any changes to the intensity level
will be displayed in the current fl ashing column. The
new intensity level will continue throughout the rest
of the workout until changed using the Level keys.