Horizon Fitness T81 Treadmill User Manual

WeightCapacity= 275LBS
HorizonFitness warrants the frame against defects in
workmanshipand materials for the fifefime of the original
owner (Theframe is definedas the weldedmetal baseof the
unit and doesnot include anyparts that canberemoved.)
HorizonFitness warrants the motor against defects in
workmanshipand materials for aperiod of twentyyears
from the date of purchase, so long as the deviceremains
in the possessionof the original owner
HorizonFitness warrants the electronic components,finish
and all original parts for a period of oneyear from the date
of original purchase, so long as the deviceremains in the
possessionof the original owner
HorizonFitness shall coverthe labor cost for the repair
of the device for a period of oneyear from the date of the
original purchase, so long as the device remains in the
possessionof the original owner
Theoriginalownerandis nottransferable.
Repairorreplacementof a defectivemotor,electroniccomponent,or
defectivepart and is thesole remedyof the warranty
Normal wearand tear,improper assemblyor maintenance,or
installation of parts oraccessoriesnot originallyintendedor
compatible with the equipmentas sold.
Damageor failure due toaccident, abuse,corrosion,discolorationof
paint orplastic, neglect,theft, vandalism, fire, flood, wind,lightning.
freezing,orother natural disastersof anykind, powerreduction,
fluctuation or failure from whatevercause, unusualatmospheric
conditions,collision,introductionof foreign objectsinto the covered
unit, ormodifications that are unauthorizedor not recommendedby
Incidentalor consequentialdamages.HorizonFitnessis not
responsibleorliable for indirect, specialor consequentialdamages,
economicloss,loss of property,orprofits, loss of enjoymentor use,
or otherconsequentialdamagesof whatsoevernaturein connection
with the purchase,use,repair ormaintenanceof theequipmenL
Equipmentused for commercialpurposesorany useotherthan a
single familyor Household,unlessendorsedbyHorizonFitnessfor
Equipmentownedor operatedoutsidethe USand Canada.
Delivery,assembly,installation, setup for originalor replacement
units or labor or othercostsassociatedwith removalor replacement
of the coveredunit.
Anyattempt to repair this equipmentcreatesa risk of injury Horizon
Fitnessis not responsibleorliable for any damage,loss or liability
arising fromany personalinjury incurred during thecourseof, or as
a result of anyrepair orattempted repair ofyour fitness equipment
byother than an authorizedservicetechnician. All repairs attempted
byyouonyourfitness equipmentare undertakenAT YOUROWNRISK
and HorizonFitnessshall havenoliability for any injury to theperson
orpropertyarising fromsuch repairs.
In-homeserviceis available within 150 miles of the nearest
authorizedrepair center (Mileagebeyond150 miles from an
authorizedservicecenteris the responsibilityof the consumer).
All returnsmust bepre-authorizeflby HorizonFitness.
HorizonFitness'obligation underthis warranty is limited to
replacing orrepairing, at HorizonFitness'option,the same or
comparablemodelat oneofits authorizedservicecenters.
A HorizonFitnessauthorizedservicecentermust receiveall
equipmentfor whicha warrantyclaim is made. Thisequipmentmust
bereceivedwith all freight and other transportation chargesprepaid,
accompaniedby sufficient proofof purchase.
Replacementunits, parts and electroniccomponentsreconditioned
to As-newConditionbyHorizonFitnessor its vendorsmaysometimes
besupplied as warrantyreplacementand constitute fulfillment of
Thiswarrantygivesyou specific legalrights, andyourrights may
varyfromstate to state.