Horizon Fitness T81 Treadmill User Manual

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Cleanliness of your treadmill and its operation environment will keep maintenance problems and service calls to a
minimum. Forthis reason,we recommendthat the following preventivemaintenanceschedulebe infiowed.
Cleanand inspect, following thesesteps:
Turnoff the treadmill with the on/off switch, then unplug the powercord at the waftoutlet.
Wipedown the running belt, deck,motor cover,and consolecasing with a damp cloth. Neveruse solvents,as they
can cause damage to the treadmill.
Inspect the power cord.If the powercordis damaged,contact HorizonFitness.
Make sure the powercordis not underneaththe treadmifl or in any otherarea whereit can becomepinched or cut.
Checkthe tension and alignment of the running belt. Make sure that the treadmill belt will not damage any other
componentson the treadmill bybeing misaligned.
Cleanunderneath the treadmill following thesesteps:
Turnoff the treadmill with the on/off switch, then unplug the powercord at the waftoutlet.
Foldthe treadmifl into the upright position, making surethat the locklatch is secure.
Movethe treadmill to a remotelocation.
Wipeorvacuumanydustparticlesorotherobjectsthat mayhaveaccumulatedunderneaththetreadmill
Returnthe treadmill to its previousposition.
Turnoffine treadmill with theon/offswitch, then unplug thepowercordat the wafloutlet.
Inspect all assemblybolts of the machine for proper tightness.
Turnoff the treadmill and wait 60 seconds.
Removethe motor cover.Waituntil aft display screensturn off.
Cleanthe motor and lower board area to eliminate anylint or dust particles that may have accumulated. Failure to
doso mayresult in prematurefailure of keyelectrical components.
Vacuumand wipedown the belt with a damp cloth. Vacuumanyb/acMwhiin nartic/es that may accumulate around
the unit. Theseparticles mayaccumu/ate from normal treadmill use.
It IS necessaryto lubricate your treadmill runmng deck everysix months
or 150 miles to maintain optimal performance.Oncethe treadmill reaches
]50 miles, the console will display the message "LUBE"or "LUBEBELT.
Thetreadmill /viii not operate while the messageis showing. Hold Stop
for 5 seconds to suspend message for 5 miles. Yourtreadmill came with
a bottle of lubricant which can be used for two appfications. If you need
hinricant, contact HorizonFitness. Only use lubricant provided byHorizon
Turnoffthe treadmill with the on/offswitch, then unplug the power
cord at the waft outlet. RUNNINGDECK
Loosenboth the rear roller bolts. (Forbest restllts, place two removable
marks on both sides of the frame and noteroller position). Oncethe
belt is loosened,take the bottle of lubricant and applyit to the entire
top surface of the running deck. Tightenboth rear roller bolts
(matching up the marks for properposition) tooriginal position. After
you have applied lubricant, ping in the powercord, insert the safety
key,start the treadmill and walk on thebelt for two minutes to spread
the lubricant.
Lubricate theair shockswith Teflonbased spray.
Oncelubrication is complete,reset the consolebypressing and holding 'STOP'and Speed'+' buttons for 5 seconds.
Pleasecontact HorizonFitness with questionsabout applyinglubricant toyour treadmill.