Horizon Fitness T81 Treadmill User Manual

The running belt has been properly adjusted at the
factory before it was shipped. At times the belt can
moveoff-center during shipment.
CAUTION:Running belt should NOTbe moving during
tensioning. Over-tightening the running belt can
cause excessivewear on the treadmill as well as its
components. Neverover-tightenthe belt.
If youcan feela slipping sensationwhenrunning onthe
treadmill, the running belt must be tightened. In most
cases, the belt has stretched from use, causing the
belt to slip. Thisis a normal and commonadjustment.
Toeliminate this slipping, TURNTHETREADMILLOFF
supplied allen wrench, turning them 1/4 TURNto the
right as shown. Turnthe treadmill on and check for
slipping. Repeat if necessary,but NEVERTURNthe
roller bolts morethan 1/4 turn at a time. Beltis properly
tensionedwhenthe slipping sensationisgone.
Belt istoofartotherightside
Belt istoofar tothe leftside
Therunning belt has beenproperlyadjustedat the
factorybeforeit wasshipped.At times the belt can
moveoff-center during shipment. Beforeoperating the
treadmill, make surethe belt is centeredand remains
centeredto maintain smoothoperation.
CAUTION:Donot run belt faster than 1/2 mph while
centering.Keepfingers, hair and clothing away from
belt at all times.
If the running belt is too far to the right side:
With the treadmill running at 1/2 mph, turn the right
adjustment bolt clockwise 1/4 TURNat a time (using
the supplied Allen wrench).Checkthe belt alignment.
Allowbelt toruna full cycleto gaugeif moreadjustment
is needed.Repeatif necessary,until the belt remains
centeredduring use.
If the running belt is too far to the left side:
With the treadmill running at 1/2 mph, turn the right
adjustment bolt counter-clockwise1/4 TURNat a time
(using the supplied Allen wrench). Check the belt
alignment.Allow belttoruna full cycletogaugeif more
adjustment is needed.Repeat if necessary,until the
belt remains centeredduring use.