Horizon Fitness T81 Treadmill User Manual

Before using your product, it is best to take a few minutes doing a few gentle stretching exercises.
Stretching prior to exercise will improve flexibility and reduce chances of exercise related injury. Ease into
each of these stretches with a slow gentle motion. Do not stretch to the point of pain. Make sure not to
bounce while doing these stretches.
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Stand near a wall with the toes of your left foot about iS" from the wall, and
the right foot about J2" behind the other foot. Lean forward, pushing against
the waft with your palms, t{eep your heels flat and hold this position for a
count of J5 seconds. Make sure that you do not bounce while stretching.
Repeat on the other side.
Using a wall to provide balance, grasp your left ankle
with your left hand and hold your foot against the back
of your thigh for J5 seconds. Repeat with your right
ankle and hand.
Sit on the floor with your legs together and straight out in front of you. Do
not lock your knees. Extend your fingers towards your toes and hold for a
count of J5 seconds. Make sure thatyou do not bounce while stretching. Sit
upright again. Repeat one time.