Updated 23/05/07RAOM0507 Apollo Bicycle Company Pty. Ltd. ABN: 60 001 914 469
Lightly oil all the pivoting points of the front and rear derailleurs at least every month.
Any excess oil should be wiped off to prevent dirt entering into the mechanisms.
Clean and apply a thin layer of grease to the shifting cables every six months,
or whenever new cables are fitted.
Adjustment – Rear Derailleur
If your bicycle is fitted with a SIS derailleur
system, fine turning of the SIS mechanism
will be the most common rear derailleur
adjustment you will need to make.
To fine tune the SIS rear derailleur:
- Raise the back wheel of your bicycle off
the ground (to enable you to rotate the
pedals forward) and set the shift lever on
SIS mode.
- Change the gears from top to second top gear and observe the chain’s response.
If the chain will not move to second gear, turn the cable adjusting barrel anti-clockwise
to increase the cable tension. Turn the adjuster clockwise to decrease the tension if the
chain moves past the second gear.
- Spin the pedals and with the chain still in second gear, turn the adjuster anti-clockwise
until just before the chain makes noise against the third gear. This adjustment
increases the tension of the inner cable.
If after completing the above process further adjustment is still required, stand behind the
bike. Shift the chain to the smallest rear cog and the largest front chainwheel, and loosen
the cable fixing bolt.
Also, check whether your SIS derailleur system is fitted with an additional adjustment
screw to set the guide pulley as close as possible to the sprocket. If so, shift the chain
onto the small cog and adjust until there is no sound of rubbing or fouling when the pedals
are turned backwards.
Whatever type of derailleur
system is fitted to your bicycle,
the alignment of the chain, the
rear sprockets, and the derailleur
pulleys need to be inspected
whilst standing behind the
bicycle. Based on your findings,
adjustments to high or low gear
may be necessary.
SIS Cable Barrel Adjuster Adjustment Screws
Pulley Adjustment Screw
Tension Pulley
Outer side of Top Gear
Guide Pulley
Rear Derailleur Rear View