Updated 23/05/07RAOM0507 Apollo Bicycle Company Pty. Ltd. ABN: 60 001 914 469
Choosing the appropriate frame and wheel size
is imperative when purchasing a new bicycle.
For safe riding the size of your bicycle should
properly match your build. In the case of children,
a bike should never be bought with aim of
“growing into it”. Riding the appropriate sized
bicycle enables the child to develop confidence,
as they have the necessary co-ordination to control
the bicycle. To accommodate the vast array of
height and size variables in children, even within
the same age groups, juvenile bicycles come in
different wheel sizes and frame styles to best suit
the rider’s size.
Ladies and gents’ bicycles are also available in
a variety of frame sizes. Sizing is based on the
distance between the centre of the bottom bracket
and the top of the frame seat tube.
Female riders should take into account the slope
of the top tube to determine frame size suitability.
For safe riding your bicycle should
match your size correctly, otherwise
you may loose control and fall. Ideally
there should be a minimum clearance
of 25mm between the crotch of the
intended rider and the top frame tube
of the bike, while the rider straddles the
bicycle with both feet flat on the ground.
Clearance over the top of the frame ensures that
the rider can safely stand astride the bike when
forced out of the saddle, such as stopping at
traffic lights. Clearance heights vary according
to rider preference and between the different
bicycle models.