RayTech Navigator User’s Guide
• Relative waypoint drop-down menu – Displayed only if
Relative box is checked and Pinged box is unchecked.
Choose the waypoint you want the current waypoint to
be relative-to — refer to “Setting Relative Waypoints”
for more information.
• Marker icons display window – Displays the various
icons you can use to represent the waypoint.
• New button – Adds a new waypoint to the group.
• Delete button – Deletes the waypoint from the group.
Setting Relative Waypoints
This subsection explains how to set a waypoint so that it is always
displayed the same relative distance from another waypoint.
To set one waypoint as relative to another:
1. As explained previously, create two waypoints, or, decide
which two existing waypoints you want to use. For the sake
of this example, we’ll call the first waypoint WP1 and the
second WP2.
2. On the chart, double-click WP2. The Waypoint Properties
dialog box is displayed (Figure 4-20).
3. Click the Relative checkbox. The Pinged checkbox appears
to the right of the Relative checkbox.
4. Click the Pinged checkbox to “uncheck” it. The Pinged
checkbox disappears and a drop-down menu with a list of
waypoint names appears. Observe that the Latitude
and Longitude fields also switch to Range and Bearing,
5. Click the drop-down menu, and select WP1 from the list.