RayTech Navigator User’s Guide
Twd – True wind direction, in degrees. The
magnetic bearing that the wind is coming
from, calculated to appear as though
measured from a stationary boat.
CorTwa – Corrected True wind angle, in degrees.
CorTws – Corrected True wind speed, in knots.
CorTwd – Corrected True wind direction, in degrees.
Bsp – Boat speed, in knots.
Vmg – Velocity made good, in knots. The Bsp
directly toward or away from the Twd,
used to measure performance relative
to upwind/downwind targets.
Heading – Heading of boat, in degrees.
Heel – Amount of heel, in degrees.
Pitch – Amount of pitch, in degrees.
Rudder – Amount of rudder deflection, in degrees.
Tab – Amount of rudder trim Tab deflection, in
degrees. The Tab is an adjustable section of
the rudder that allows the rudder to be
corrected for lee helm or weather helm.
Butt – Amount of mast butt angle in degrees.
ForestayLength – Length of Forestay Line in feet or
meters (your choice). The Forestay
Line runs from the bow of the boat
to the upper part of the mast and is
designed to pull the mast forward.