
RayTech Navigator User’s Guide
If the Bottom Lock or A-Scope image is displayed, selecting Zoom
automatically switches Off Bottom Lock or A-Scope. If you have split
frequency selected, the selected Zoom image is displayed in both
frequency windows.
Using Alarms
The ALARMS Functionbar button is used to set up alarms: three
alarms are available to alert you to the presence of fish, shallow water,
and deep water. Each alarm can be toggled On/Off, and you can set
the depth at which shallow and deep water alarms are triggered
(between the ranges 2–3000 feet/0.5–500 fathoms/1–1000 meters).
You may want to use the shallow and deep water alarms when you are
anchored. Set the limits to just above and below your anchor depth;
the Fishfinder triggers an alarm if the anchor drags and the boats
moves into shallower or deeper water.
Fish Alarm – If this alarm is On, the unit sounds a buzzer
whenever it finds a fish.
Shallow water – You set depth at which the shallow water
alarm triggers. When the depth is less than that set, the
buzzer sounds and a pop-up window describing the alarm
is displayed. You cannot set the shallow alarm to be
deeper than the deep alarm.
Deep water You set depth at which the deep water alarm
triggers. When the depth is more than that set, the buzzer
sounds and a pop-up window describing the alarm is
displayed. You cannot set the deep alarm to be shallower
than the shallow alarm.