Advanced Navigator Functions
Using Waypoints
The MARKS Functionbar button lets you to place up to 998 waypoints.
A waypoint is a position, normally entered on a chart as a reference, or
as a place to go to. A waypoint can be placed at the cursor position or
at the vessel’s current position (this is sometimes known as an event
mark); all waypoints placed on the Fishfinder are stored in a waypoint
database list with position, depth and temperature when it was placed.
Waypoints placed on the Fishfinder are displayed as a solid vertical
line on the scrolling bottom, Zoom, and Bottom Lock displays. The
waypoint number is shown at the top of the vertical line. The
waypoint scrolls to the left with the scrolling bottom display.
If you place a waypoint at the cursor position in Fishfinder mode, and
a chart window is open, the waypoint is displayed on the chart. You
can GOTO, EDIT, and ERASE a cursor waypoint.
To Place a Waypoint:
1. On the Functionbar, click MARKS. Then:
Ø To place a waypoint at the cursor position, click
WPT AT CURSOR, then click the cursor at the desired
location on the scrolling bottom display. The waypoint
is added to the waypoint list and tagged using the next
available number.
Ø To place a waypoint at the vessel position, click WPT AT
VESSEL. The waypoint is added to the waypoint list and
tagged with the next available number.
Ø To modify a waypoint, click WPT LIST. The waypoint list
is displayed.
Ø To return to the top-level Functionbar menu, click BACK.