RayTech Navigator User’s Guide
Optional Modules
RayTech Navigator offer two comprehensive optional modules to
increase Navigator’s capabilities: Sail Racer and Fishing Pro.
Sail Racer Module
Navigator’s Sail Racer Module is targeted toward the professional
sailboat racer, and includes DataTrak, Polars, Route Optimization,
Advanced Weather Routing, Pre Start display, Navigation Numbers,
and a specialized Racing toolbar.
• DataTrak is an instrument-recording program that captures a
variety of incoming navigational and performance-related data
and displays it on time-based graphs in multiple windows.
• Polars uses a group of variables (such as apparent/true/
corrected wind angles, boat speed, heel/pitch, and so forth)
to determine what heading you should set your boat upon to
achieve the best possible speed under varying wind conditions.
Analysis results are displayed using multiple graph plots which
you can modify (edit) to suit your needs.
• Route Optimization determines your ideal route based upon
ocean current, wind speed and direction, in addition to your
vessel’s Polar characteristics, then plots this route upon the
chart you desire.
• Advanced Weather Routing consists of detailed, 7-day
animated weather files, text-based advisories for North
American coastal regions, and offshore forecasts/advisories.
• The Racing toolbar displays special icons that are used within
racing environments such as The America’s Cup, and enables
you to set marks and courses quickly and accurately based upon
GPS or laser-guided input.