RayTech Navigator User’s Guide
Advanced Graphical User Interface with
Customizable Toolbars/Displays
You operate Navigator via an easy-to-use Graphical User Interface
(GUI) complete with many customizable Toolbars, Function bars, and
“floating” Databoxes (Figure 1-2). Using an intuitive menu hierarchy,
you can display only those tools that you commonly use, or customize
screens to show you only pertinent information, with just a few mouse
clicks. You can zoom deeply into charts to display the maximum level
of detail for the region you are in, animate weather and oceanographic
files to monitor the meteorological events in your area, and create
comprehensive logs containing virtually every piece of data that you
might encounter and collect on a voyage. Navigator’s flexible GUI
enables you to tailor its powerful resources to suit your needs quickly
and easily.
Figure 1-2. Navigator’s Toolbars, Functionbars, and Databoxes
Toolbars, Function bars, and Databoxes can
be moved and displayed anywhere you need