Raymarine Interim Sheet 7
➤ To set up your position report:
1. Click on the File menu and select Get Weather from the Internet.
The RayTech Internet Weather window appears.
2. Click the Advanced button of the E-Mail Request tab to set up position
reporting and advanced weather services.
3. Find the Automatic Position Report section under advanced setup.
4. In the Send To field, enter the address to which you would like the posi-
tion report sent. If there is more than one address you want to send to,
enter all of them, separated by commas.
5. In the Frequency drop down box, select how often a position report will
be sent. Standard intervals range between 1 and 24 hours.
6. In the Boat name field, enter the name, call sign, or other identification
for your vessel.
7. Send a position report immediately by clicking the Send Now button.
For the automated position (and weather) functions to operate, you leave the
Internet Weather application and your e-mail client open. At the interval
specified, a new position report is generated, and passed to the e-mail client’s
outbox for transmission.
If your e-mail system is not automatic, the position report will remain in the
outbox until you reconnect to your e-mail. At that time, any outgoing traffic
is sent and any incoming reports or weather files are received.
Auto Processing of Incoming Position Reports and Weather
RayTech Navigator 4.1 can automatically process, decode and plot incoming
position reports and GRIB weather overlays from your e-mail inbox. To do
this, you must make sure the RayTech Internet Weather application and your
e-mail client are running.
It may be beneficial to add shortcuts to the weather and e-mail programs to
your Windows ‘Startup’ group, ensuring that they run every time the PC is
rebooted. The setup for this feature is located within the Advanced weather
dialog, outlined in the preceding section
Position Reporting.
To schedule RayTech to automatically check the e-mail inbox for new
message traffic, specify a time interval in the Frequency drop-box, located
under the Automatically Send Files section.
Other Vessel Tracking
The Other Vessel Tracking feature has been enhanced to enable you to delete
the schedule of any tracked vessel and filter entries by boat name and by time.