Advanced Navigator Functions
2. Double-click on the test data row you want to edit.
The corresponding Test Parameters screen appears (Figure 5-
16). The data that you see in this screen comes from
Navigator’s database, which contains data you’ve saved from
various from trips. The parameter definitions are as follows:
Test – Name you choose for this set of test data.
Date – Date of test run.
Quality – Number you assign to represent your
perception of the quality of the data
collected in this test
(from 1 to 100).
Notes – Your comments about the test data.
HeadSail – Name/code for type of headsail you’re using.
MainSail – Name/code for type of mainsail you’re using.
Awa – Apparent wind angle, in degrees. The
angle of wind as measured by your boats
instruments. When the boat is stationary,
Awa is equal to Twa (True wind angle).
When the boat moves, Awa is always less
than Twa.
Aws – Apparent wind speed, in knots. The speed
of the wind as measured by your boats
instruments. When sailing upwind, Aws is
always greater than Tws (True wind speed).
When sailing downwind, Aws is always less
than Tws.
Twa – True wind angle, in degrees. The angle
between Twd (True wind direction) and
the centerline of the boat.
Tws – True wind speed, in knots. The velocity of
the wind relative to the surface of the water.