Advanced Navigator Functions
To acquire a target:
1. Click Acquire Target in the MARPA Box. The cursor is
displayed with arrows on all four corners.
2. Position the cursor over the required target and click the
left mouse button.
To clear a target:
1. Click Clear Target in the MARPA box. The cursor is
displayed with arrows on all four corners.
2. Position the cursor over the required target and click the
left mouse button.
To view target data the MARPA List:
1. Click MARPA List in the MARPA box. The MARPA List
box appears, displaying Bearing, Range, Course, and
Speed of each target.
To view selected target data in the MARPA box:
1. Click MARPA Box in the MARPA box. The cursor is
displayed with arrows on all four corners.
2. Left-click the target on the radar screen. Data for the
selected MARPA target is displayed. If you open the data
box when no target is selected, data appears for the last
target displayed.
3. Click Marpa > MARPA Box > On/Off again to toggle the
data box off.