Cisco BTS 10200 Softswitch Operations and Maintenance Guide, Release 6.0.x
Chapter 3 Monitoring and Backing Up the BTS
Archiving Your Database
Step 6 Restore the Solaris “date” command to create the system Flash Archive. Enter:
mv /bin/date /bin/date.orig
mv /bin/.date /bin/date
Step 7 Create the archive. Enter <hostname>#flarcreate -n <archive name> -x /opt -S -c /mnt/<file
Note Example archive name: flarcreate -n CCPU-EMS -x /opt -S -c /mnt/secems04.archive
Step 8 Back up the /opt directory. Enter tar -cvf - /opt/* |gzip -c >/opt/<hostname_release>.tar.gz
Step 9 Restore the original configuration. Enter:
mv /bin/date /bin/.date
mv /bin/date.orig /bin/date
Step 10 Unmount the NFS server. Enter umount /mnt
Examining Heap Usage
Heap is memory BTS reserves for data it creates as its applications execute. BTS audits heap usage of
all the processes started by a platform, CA, AIN, POTS, EMS and BDMS. Heap auditing is added to the
ADP process.
When heap usage of a process goes beyond certain threshold level, BTS generates an alarm. The alarm
clears when heap usage goes below the threshold level.
Heap audit does the following:
• Monitors traces of heap usage in the last four periods for each process
• Measures heap usage of each process started by the platform once a day at 4 a.m
• Issues a minor alarm if the heap usage of a process exceeds 70% of its max heap size limit
• Clears a minor alarm if the heap usage of a process drops below 68% of its max heap size limit
• Issues a major alarm if the heap usage of a process exceeds 80% its max heap size limit
• Clears a major alarm if the heap usage of a process drops below 78% its max heap size limit
• Issues a critical alarm if the heap usage of a process exceeds 90% its max heap size limit
• Clears a critical alarm if the heap usage of a process drops below 88% its max heap size limit
• Reports, via trace logs, the last twenty heap measurements, including the time and the value for each
• Clears heap usage alarms when process restarts
Checking the DNS Server
To check the DNS server, do this for all nodes.