Cisco BTS 10200 Softswitch Operations and Maintenance Guide, Release 6.0.x
Chapter 3 Monitoring and Backing Up the BTS
Exporting Provisioned Data
##### Change command_throttle_threshold #####
change command_throttle_threshold SESSION_TYPE=CLI;THRESHOLD=100;ENABLE=Y;
change command_throttle_threshold SESSION_TYPE=CORBA;THRESHOLD=100;ENABLE=Y;
change command_throttle_threshold SESSION_TYPE=FTP;THRESHOLD=1000;ENABLE=Y;
change command_throttle_threshold SESSION_TYPE=MNT;THRESHOLD=100;ENABLE=Y;
change command_throttle_threshold SESSION_TYPE=SNMP;THRESHOLD=100;ENABLE=Y;
change command_throttle_threshold SESSION_TYPE=SOAP;THRESHOLD=100;ENABLE=Y;
##### Change config_interval #####
change config_interval CONFIG_TYPE=THROTTLE;INTERVAL=15;
# Export End Time : Tue Jan 22 17:24:14 CST 2008
Currently the export command is supported only from the CLI interface. The export command is
currently not supported from other interfaces such as CORBA and SOAP.
There is a limitation on the size of the /opt/ems/export directory. Currently the size of the export
directory is defined in /opt/ems/etc/bts.properties as 7500000 ~ 700 MB. During the first run of the
export command, if the size of the export file is beyond the threshold limit, a warning message is shown
to the user after export is finished. The warning message indicates that the export file size has exceeded
the threshold and that the user needs to clean up the export directory before running the command again.
During additional runs of the export command, if the export directory size is more then the threshold
size, a warning is shown to the user that the space of export directory is insufficient for the export and
that the user has to clear the export directory before rerunning the export command.
Creating Numbering Resource Utilization/Forecast (NRUF) Reports
The North American Numbering Plan Association (NANPA) collects, stores, and maintains how
telephone numbers are used by 19 countries. Companies, like carriers, that hold telephone numbers must
report to NANPA twice a year using the NRUF report. Go to http://www.nanpa.com for more
information and job aids on submitting reports.
The BTS creates an NRUF report using the Number Block table. This table:
• Is a single table that is the sole reference for NANPA audits
• Can be customized
• Can be updated from data imported from other tables, changes from office-code updates, or
• Has the following fields:
Number Block: NPA to NPA-NXX-XXXX—For FCC-required NANPA audit compliance, the
report input is NPANXX. In markets outside of NANPA, the input can be based on either the
combination of the national destination code (NDC) and the exchange code (EC), or just the EC.
Code Holder = Y/N
Block Holder = Y/N
Native = Y/N