
Cisco BTS 10200 Softswitch Operations and Maintenance Guide, Release 6.0.x
Chapter 3 Monitoring and Backing Up the BTS
Exporting Provisioned Data
where xxx is the instance number
Step 10 Back up the system, enter:
<hostname>#mv /bin/date /bin/date.archive
<hostname>#mv /bin/.date /bin/date
<hostname>#flarcreate -n <hostname> -X /tmp/excluded_dir -c /mnt/<hostname>.archive
<hostname>#mv /bin/date /bin/.date
<hostname>#mv /bin/date.archive /bin/date
Step 11 Unmount the NFS server, enter:
<hostname>#umount /mnt
Step 12 From the active EMS switch over all platforms, enter:
<hostname>#ssh optiuser@<hostname>
cli>control feature-server id=FSAINxxx;target-state=standby-active;
cli>control feature-server id=FSPTCxxx;target-state=standby-active;
cli>control call-agent id=CAxxx;target-state=standby-active;
where xxx is the instance number of each platform
Step 13 Repeat this procedure for the primary CA/FS.
Backing up the EMS/BDMS
Do the following to back up the STANDBY EMS/BDMS system.
Step 1 Log in as root.
Step 2 Verify all platforms are in STANDBY mode, enter <hostname>#nodestat.
Step 3 Remove unnecessary files or directories like /opt/Build and application tar files.
Step 4 Mount the NFS server to the /mnt directory, enter <hostname>#mount <nfs server ip or
hostname>:/<share dire> /mnt
Step 5 Stop all platforms, enter <hostname>#platform stop all.
Step 6 Save the Oracle database and MySQL directories, enter:
<hostname>#tar -cf - /data1/oradata |gzip --fast - >/mnt/oradata.<hostname>.gz
<hostname>#tar -cf - /opt/ems/db |gzip --fast - >/mnt/db.<hostname>.gz
Step 7 Create an excluded directories file for the flash archive, enter:
<hostname>#vi /tmp/excluded_dir
Step 8 Start all platforms <hostname>#platform start.
Step 9 Verify all platforms are in STANDBY mode, enter <hostname>#nodestat.
Step 10 Back up the system, enter:
<hostname>#mv /bin/date /bin/date.archive
<hostname>#mv /bin/.date /bin/date