Cisco BTS 10200 Softswitch Operations and Maintenance Guide, Release 6.0.x
Chapter 6 Using BTS Measurements
Learning the Measurement Types
ISUP_IAM_RX Initial Address messages received on the reporting trunk group.
ISUP_IAM_TX Initial Address messages sent on the reporting trunk group.
ISUP_IDR_RX ID Request messages received on the reporting trunk group.
ISUP_IDR_TX ID Request messages sent on the reporting trunk group.
ISUP_INF_RX Information messages received on the reporting trunk group.
ISUP_INF_TX Information messages sent on the reporting trunk group.
ISUP_INR_RX Information Request messages received on the reporting trunk group.
ISUP_INR_TX Information Request messages sent on the reporting trunk group.
ISUP_IRS_RX ID Response messages received on the reporting trunk group.
ISUP_IRS_TX ID Response messages sent on the reporting trunk group.
ISUP_ITX_RX Charge Unit messages received on the reporting trunk group.
ISUP_ITX_TX Charge Unit messages sent on the reporting trunk group.
ISUP_LPA_RX Loop Prevention Acknowledgement messages received on the reporting trunk
ISUP_LPA_TX Loop Prevention Acknowledgement messages sent on the reporting trunk group.
ISUP_LPM_RX Loop Prevention messages received on the reporting trunk group.
ISUP_LPM_TX Loop Prevention messages sent on the reporting trunk group.
ISUP_MSG_RX Messages received on the reporting trunk group.
ISUP_MSG_TX Messages sent on the reporting trunk group.
ISUP_NRM_RX NRM messages received on the reporting trunk group.
ISUP_NRM_TX Network Resource Management messages sent on the reporting trunk group.
ISUP_OC_IAM_REJECTED Congestion-rejected calls per trunk group.
ISUP_OLM_RX Overload messages received on the reporting trunk group.
ISUP_OLM_TX Overload messages sent on the reporting trunk group.
ISUP_OPR_RX Operator messages received on the reporting trunk group.
ISUP_OPR_TX Operator messages sent on the reporting trunk group.
ISUP_PAM_RX Pass Along messages received on the reporting trunk group.
ISUP_PAM_TX Pass Along messages sent on the reporting trunk group.
ISUP_PRI_RX Pre-Release Information messages received on the reporting trunk group.
ISUP_PRI_TX Pre-Release Information messages sent on the reporting trunk group.
ISUP_REL_RX Release messages received on the reporting trunk group.
ISUP_REL_TX Release messages sent on the reporting trunk group.
ISUP_RES_RX Resume messages received on the reporting trunk group.
ISUP_RES_TX Resume messages sent on the reporting trunk group.
ISUP_RLC_RX Release Complete messages received on the reporting trunk group.
ISUP_RLC_TX Release Complete messages sent on the reporting trunk group.
ISUP_RSC_RX Reset Circuit messages received on the reporting trunk group.
Table 6-24 ISUP Protocol Measurements (continued)