Cisco BTS 10200 Softswitch Operations and Maintenance Guide, Release 6.0.x
Chapter 6 Using BTS Measurements
Learning the Measurement Types
M3UA Protocol Measurements
Table 6-21 M3UA Measurements
(* = rapid count could mean a potential problem in the system)
M3UA_ACTIVE_ACK_RX ACTIVE Acknowledges received on the reporting signaling gateway process.
M3UA_ACTIVE_TX ACTIVEs sent on the reporting signaling gateway process.
M3UA_ASSOC_FAIL Association failures on the reporting signaling gateway process.
M3UA_BEAT_ACK_RX BEAT Acknowledges received on the reporting signaling gateway process.
M3UA_BEAT_ACK_TX BEAT Acknowledges sent on the reporting signaling gateway process.
M3UA_BEAT_RX BEATs received on the reporting signaling gateway process.
M3UA_BEAT_TX BEATs sent on the reporting signaling gateway process.
M3UA_DATA_BYTES_RX Data bytes received on the reporting signaling gateway process.
M3UA_DATA_BYTES_TX Data bytes sent on the reporting signaling gateway process.
M3UA_DATA_TRANS_RX Data transfers received on the reporting signaling gateway process.
M3UA_DATA_TRANS_TX Data transfers sent on the reporting signaling gateway process.
M3UA_DAUD_TX DAUDs sent on the reporting signaling gateway process.
M3UA_DAVA_RX DAVAs received on the reporting signaling gateway process.
M3UA_DOWN_ACK_RX DOWN Acknowledges received on the reporting signaling gateway process.
M3UA_DOWN_TX DOWNs sent on the reporting signaling gateway process.
M3UA_DRST_RX DRSTs received on the reporting signaling gateway process.
M3UA_DUNA_RX DUNAs received on the reporting signaling gateway process.
M3UA_DUPU_RX DUPUs received on the reporting signaling gateway process.
M3UA_ERR_RX Errors received on the reporting signaling gateway process.
M3UA_ERR_TX Errors sent on the reporting signaling gateway process.
M3UA_INACTIVE_ACK_RX INACTIVE Acknowledges received on the reporting signaling gateway process.
M3UA_INACTIVE_TX ACTIVEs received on the reporting signaling gateway process.
M3UA_INVALID_SCTP_SIGNALS Invalid SCTP signals on the reporting signaling gateway process.
M3UA_MSG_CLASS_ERR Message class errors on the reporting signaling gateway process.
M3UA_MSG_LENGTH_ERR Messages of invalid length received on the reporting signaling gateway process.
M3UA_MSG_RX_OTHER_ERR Messages received with other errors on the reporting CA or FS
M3UA_MSG_TYPE_ERR Message type errors on the reporting signaling gateway process.
M3UA_NETWORK_APPEAR_ERR Network appearance errors on the reporting signaling gateway process.
M3UA_NO_MEMORY_ERR No memory for message errors on the reporting signaling gateway process.
M3UA_NOTIFY_RX NOTIFYs received on the reporting signaling gateway process.
M3UA_NOTIFY_TX NOTIFYs sent on the reporting signaling gateway process.
M3UA_PARAM_FIELD_ERR Parameter field errors on the reporting signaling gateway process.
M3UA_PARAM_VALUE_ERR Parameter value errors on the reporting signaling gateway process.
M3UA_PROTOCOL_ERR Protocol errors on the reporting signaling gateway process.