Cisco BTS 10200 Softswitch Operations and Maintenance Guide, Release 6.0.x
Chapter 6 Using BTS Measurements
Learning the Measurement Types
AINSVC_LOC_8XX_ANI_BLOCK 8XX translation queries blocked due to ANI screening processed locally on
the reporting FS.
AINSVC_LOC_8XX_DNIS_SUCC 8XX DNIS translation queries successfully processed locally on the
reporting FS.
AINSVC_LOC_8XX_FAIL_APP 8XX translation queries that resulted in a failure due to an application error
on the reporting FS.
AINSVC_LOC_8XX_II_BLOCK 8XX translation queries blocked due to II screening processed locally on
the reporting FS.
AINSVC_LOC_8XX_QUERY 8XX translation queries attempted to be processed locally on the reporting
AINSVC_LOC_8XX_QUERY_SUCC 8XX translation queries successfully processed locally on the reporting FS.
AINSVC_LOC_8XX_REROUTE 8XX translation queries successfully processed locally on the reporting FS
that resulted in re-routing.
AINSVC_LOC_8XX_ROUTING_SUCC 8XX routing translation queries successfully processed locally on the
reporting FS.
AINSVC_LOC_LNP_FAIL_APP Failed attempts to look up a DN in the local LNP database by the reporting
AINSVC_LOC_LNP_QUERY DN look ups in the local LNP database by the reporting FS.
AINSVC_LOC_LNP_QUERY_NO_RN Successful attempts to look up a DN in the local LNP database by the
reporting FS that did not return a corresponding RN.
AINSVC_LOC_LNP_QUERY_RN_FOUND Successful attempts to look up a DN in the local LNP database by the
reporting FS that returned a corresponding RN.
AINSVC_LOC_LNP_QUERY_SUCC Successful attempts to look up a DN in the local LNP database by the
reporting FS.
AINSVC_TOTAL_LNP_QUERY LNP translation queries attempted on the reporting FS.
AINSVC_TOTAL_QUERY Queries attempted on the reporting FS.
Table 6-17 AIN Services Measurements (continued)
(* = rapid count could mean a potential problem in the system)