Welch Allyn Medical Diagnostic Equipment 202el Heart Rate Monitor User Manual

Monitor Setup
Propaq Encore Reference Guide 33 Welch Allyn
Setting the Current, Custom, and Powerup Modes
The Propaq Encore has two sets of patient mode settings:
Factory patient modes. The powerup settings and alarm limits for these patient
modes are preset and cannot be changed. They are listed in Appendix B on page 158.
Custom patient modes. You can customize the powerup settings and alarm limits for
these patient modes. (See
SAVE on page 34.)
You can program the Propaq Encore to power up in any of the Factory patient modes or the
Custom patient modes. You can also change the current patient mode during operation.
DECIMAL Sets the decimal character as either a period (.) or a comma (,).
Allows or prohibits turning off the HR/PR alarm limits. If CANNOT
TURN OFF is selected, the
ON/OFF button is not displayed on the HR/PR
Alarm Limits Menu.
UNITS Sets the CO2 display units as mmHg, kPa, or percent (%). If you change
the units, the CO2 trends will be cleared and CO2 alarm limit settings
change to the factory default settings for the currently-used patient
Any time you change the Date, Filter, Temp F/C, Decimal, HR/PR Alarm
Limits (CAN or CANNOT TURN OFF) or
Units setting, the new setting
also becomes the powerup default setting.
Warning If any alarms are set to OFF and you select
SAVE to store the
settings for that CUSTOM patient mode, those alarms will be OFF whenever
the Propaq powers up in that CUSTOM patient mode or when that CUSTOM
patient mode is selected. Consider carefully before setting CUSTOM patient
mode powerup alarms to OFF.
The alarm for apnea cannot be turned off at any time.