page 40
Cooling down is an important aspect of your workout because it helps reduce muscle
stiffness and soreness by transporting excess lactic acid out of the working muscles.
It also helps provide a smooth transition that allows your heart rate to return to its
normal (non-exercising) state. The EFX automatically initiates a five minute, cool-
down period once you complete a program that has a specified time duration. A prompt
appears, indicating that you are in cool down.
During your cool down, the workout statistics continue to appear. When you complete
the five minute cool down, a Workout Summary appears. See the information below.
Important: To activate a cool-down period, a program must “end.” The program
ends when the workout time (entered during the Setup prompts) expires. If you
chose INFINITE, no cool-down period is appended to the program.
Pausing, cooling down, and exiting are integral parts of your workout and can be
accessed any time during a program. The EFX goes through several prerequisites
before actually exiting a program. The following tables explain the various situations.
Since the EFX is self-powered, foot pedal movement must be continuous to avoid
shut down. For more information, refer to page 33.
Note: If the optional power adapter is supplying power to the EFX, the factory set-
ting for Pause mode is two minutes (120 seconds). The business owner or
manager has the option to change the setting. A duration can be set between 1 and
120 seconds and limits how long a user can pause his or her workout. Refer to
Custom Settings Mode
on page 25.
In a program, This is what happens...,
you complete it Enter Cool Down. At the start of the cool-down period, the resis-
tance is reduced by 20 percent. You can adjust the setting using
the Resistance ▼▲ keys. The display features remain, so you
can press the Select keys to view your workout statistics.
Note: A cool-down period is appended to those programs that
have a finite duration. If you do not enter a workout time during
the Setup prompts, or you select INFINITE, then a cool-down
period does not occur when you reach the end of a program.
you press Reset Enter the Workout Summary mode. You can scan through
the workout statistics by pressing the Select keys. Note that
the TIME display shows the accumulated workout time in-
cluding warm-up and cool down periods.
no pedaling Enter Pause mode. PEDAL FASTER appears on the display
or slow pedaling and workout time stops accruing. For more information, refer
is detected to page 33.