Fitness Classes
Your OwnIndex is most meaningful when comparing your individual values and changes in them over time. OwnIndex can also be interpreted
based on your gender and age. Locate your OwnIndex on the table below and fi nd out how your aerobic fi tness compares to others of the same
gender and age.
The classifi cation is based on
literature review of 62 studies where
was measured directly in
healthy adult subjects in the USA,
Canada and 7 European countries.
Reference: Shvartz E, Reibold RC:
Aerobic fi tness norms for males and
females aged 6 to 75 years: a review.
Aviat Space Environ Med; 61:3-11,
Note: Top athletes typically score OwnIndex values above 70 (men) and 60 (women). Olympic-level endurance athletes can reach values as high as 95.
OwnIndex is highest in sports that involve large muscle groups such as cycling and cross-country skiing.
In the Trend menu, you can see how your OwnIndex value has been developing. Up to 47 OwnIndex values and respective dates are included
in the display.
Deleting OwnIndex values
Select the value you wish to delete and press and hold the LIGHT button. DELETE VALUE? NO / YES is displayed. Confi rm your selection by
pressing OK.