Coring For Your Bike
Your Recumbent Bike has been carefully
designed to require minimum maintenance.
However, we recommend the following to
keep your bike operating smoothly.
• Unplog the bike,
• Use your bike Indoors only,
• Wipe alI perspiration from your bike with a
soft, clean cloth after each use to prevent
an accumulation of sweat and dirt.
• Clean your bike on a regular basis to
prevent a build-up of dust, Use WIndex or
on alcohol based cleanser on a clean
cloth. DO not use any abrasive ¢_:_ners
and/or polish as these will damage
the surface,
• Store your bike in a dry area away from
children and high traffic areas.
• Regularly check the tightness of nuts
and bolts.
Storing Directions
Your bike isportable, If you need to change the
location of your bike, piease follow the steps below,
• Unplug the bike.
• Stand at the rear of the bike and grasp the
rear handlebar.
• Uff up using your legs - not your back, tipping
the bike forward until it is resting on the front
transportation wheels/front rollers.
• Wheel the bike to its new location and carefully
lower the bike back down to the f_oor.