P-2812HNU-51c User’s Guide
TPID 132
TR-064 333
TR-069 331
ACS setup 331
authentication 332
tracert 407
trademarks 511
traffic shaping 127
transparent bridging 398
transport mode 268
trTCM 328
tunnel mode 269
Two Rate Three Color Marker, see trTCM
Type of Service, see ToS
unicast 133
Uniform Resource Identifier 217
Universal Plug and Play 339
application 340
UPnP 339
cautions 340
forum 340
NAT traversal 339
security issues 340
USA type call service mode 229
printer sharing 239
USB features 27
USB printer 27
VAD 224
VCI 383
virtual channel 383
Virtual Circuit (VC) 126
virtual circuits 383
terminology 383
Virtual Local Area Network See VLAN
virtual path 383
Virtual Private Network, see VPN
VLAN 132
Introduction 132
number of possible VIDs
priority frame
VLAN Identifier See VID
VLAN tag 132
voice activity detection 224
voice coding 223
VoIP 217
peer-to-peer calls 212
VoIP features 27
VPI 383
VPN 253
established in two phases 254
IPSec 253
security associations (SA) 254
see also IKE SA, IPSec SA
WAN (Wide Area Network) 97
WAN interface 89
WAN statistics 89
warranty 514
note 514
Web Configurator 73
WEP encryption 158
Wi-Fi Protected Access 476
Windows Command Prompt 402
arp 409
command parameters 402
ipconfig 403
netstat 413
ping 405
route 410
tracert 407
wireless client WPA supplicants 478
wireless security 472
wireless station list 94
Wireless tutorial 33