Chapter 5 WAN Setup
P-2812HNU-51c User’s Guide
5.7 Technical Reference
The following section contains additional technical information about the P-
2812HNU-51c features described in this chapter.
Be sure to use the encapsulation method required by your ISP. The P-2812HNU-
51c can work in bridge mode or routing mode. When the P-2812HNU-51c is in
routing mode, it supports the following methods.
IP over Ethernet
IP over Ethernet (IPoE) is an alternative to PPPoE. IP packets are being delivered
across an Ethernet network, without using PPP encapsulation. They are routed
between the Ethernet interface and the WAN interface and then formatted so that
they can be understood in a bridged environment. For instance, it encapsulates
routed Ethernet frames into bridged Ethernet cells.
PPP over Ethernet
Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (PPPoE) provides access control and billing
functionality in a manner similar to dial-up services using PPP. PPPoE is an IETF
Obtain an IP
Select this option If your ISP did not assign you a fixed IP address.
Use the following
static IP address
Select this option If the ISP assigned a fixed IP address.
IP Address Enter your WAN IP address in this field if you selected Use the
following static IP address.
Obtain DNS info
Select this to have the P-2812HNU-51c get the DNS server addresses
from the ISP automatically.
Use the following
static DNS IP
Select this to have the P-2812HNU-51c use the DNS server addresses
you configure manually.
Primary DNS
Enter the first DNS server address assigned by the ISP.
DNS server
Enter the second DNS server address assigned by the ISP.
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the P-2812HNU-51c.
Cancel Click Cancel to return to the previous configuration.
Table 30 3G Backup (continued)